But we'll gladly let CaptainVet users do it for us! Find all the testimonials here
We have been using Captainvet's online appointment scheduling service for almost a month and we are surprised to see so quickly a turning point in our clients appointment scheduling. They have pleasantly followed our recommendations and many of them now only work with this service, which frees up considerable time for our telephone assistants. We also have many appointments taken outside opening hours, which is not insignificant given the growing demands of pet owners.
A useful service, which makes it possible to reach a new target of more connected customers who like to make an appointment 24 hours a day.
I was rather skeptical about making appointments online, we were wondering if people would put themselves on the internet, and if it was really a requested service. Now this opinion has changed, we are satisfied with CaptainVet, it is a very convenient service. Before, people called mostly for booster shots and now that they book online, we save time, especially for more urgent consultations.
I was enthusiastic about making an appointment online because it was a customer expectation. I am satisfied with this service, it saves time for the ASVs who are more available. We have configured the settings so that the appointment only applies for booster shots as well as for general consultations.
The Dr.veto service already offered to make appointments online, what I didn't like was that we couldn't choose, there was no filter. The advantage with CaptainVet is that we can configure and program everything according to our requirements and that's a real plus!
I have been interested in making appointments online for a few years now, being myself a frequent personal user. Compared to other investments we wanted to make, I felt that making appointments online was a priority. The result is not spectacular in the first weeks, but there is a real rise in power with time and I hope eventually that it will release time for my ASV. I myself am driving this growth by having initially made the software known by an email that I sent to all my customers. I now mention the possibility of making an appointment online in my vaccination reminders and in my letterheads. I am convinced that making appointments online is the future and Captainvet meets this demand.
I was quite excited when the online appointment was made. It is a practical daily help. I have not had a decrease in the number of calls but CaptainVet is a service that complements well with my current schedule.
I was enthusiastic about making an appointment online because it's a new, innovative proposal that sets us apart. Being among the first to take the step gives me an advantage over other veterinarians. CaptainVet is a reactive service that is constantly evolving with new proposals. I discussed it with Nicolas, CaptainVet reviews will soon become Google reviews. To be honest, most of our appointments are still made by phone, however online appointments allow the client to make an appointment outside of our business hours. CaptainVet contributes to our image and offers us a good visibility, I am satisfied.
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